I took over selling paper when someone else at a class stopped & up to that point hadn't experienced any more than Ingres ( for pastels) or Saunders Waterford (for watercolours). Eventually i had so much paper that i ended up opening a shop, but that is another story! At some point i discovered Khadi and I distinctly remember the first order i got from them (http://khadi.com/) Not having a clue what any of their paper apart from basic cotton rag was actually like, i ordered a few sheets of everything. (I had just discovered credit cards, so I could!)
After the stomach churning moment of realising how much it cost, the experience of opening the parcel a few days later was the most exciting, sensual, pleasurable experience I think I've ever had. Honestly. It was a first. But that excitement & pleasure of receiving new unknown paper has never gone away. Even now, going through a pile of paper or a box of paper scraps can send me into a rapturous daze.... dreamily stroking and muttering 'precious...' under my breath
The shop went about 7 years ago & i was able to keep some things in a friends studio... eventually she needed her space back & i brought everything with me in the caravan. Oops. How much 'stuff'? I managed to dispose of so much... trash, charity shops, friends & strangers all benefitted, but i still hung onto the paper.... precious....
I cut it down and keep it under the bed, lifting it all out every time i want some to get my fix. Some of the stuff i have has been discontinued years ago. I'd often buy up the last stocks of papers i knew that I or my students, or other calligraphers would love. Actually i wasn't that bothered about other people, they were my excuse, it was for me really!!
I have realised that i can't keep it there for ever... it is a sacrilege for it not to be used, kept like some zoo animal to be drooled over occasionally (i promise i haven't actually drooled, just salivated a little... ok, a lot) I suppose to many, this may seem like behaviour fit only for an institution, and that the men in white coats should be notified.
I finally started listing some paper packs on etsy, in my suziscribbles shop > suziscribbles.etsy.com You would not believe how many times I changed my mind about this... i took the photos & procrastinated... i put a couple of packs on & waited.... i put a few more on and sold a couple.... and didn't know whether to be pleased or not. How posessive am I? I never get jealous of people. I reasoned with myself that i can always buy more, when i have space... & sold a couple more. I started to let them go with a bit more grace & listed a few more.
I'm looking at these pictures now and thinking "OMG.. I can't get any more of some of that stuff!!" But tough!!! I haven't used it all up in 10 years so someone else can have the chance!
I'm also starting to think that if i sell most of my current stocks, i could maybe buy a bit more to sell. I mean, the paper i need to use most often has already run out & I really NEED to get some. There's none available locally, i've scoured the shops & internet.... what i have found means paying extortionate prices.... it would make sense to get a wholesale batch... wouldn't it?!