Tuesday, 22 July 2014

The Collective Noun for Concertina Cards?

Would that be a "fold of concertina's"? I'm still on a wedding theme, and wondering if a group of concertina or accordion cards might be called a fold… what do you think, any other suggestions?

This Bride began with Thank you's for her Bridesmaids, and then came back with special messages written for all her closest family members.

We made the family ones smaller…. 3 inches square when folded, 
to fit into favour boxes with other little goodies...

 all wrapped in gorgeous sanwaa tissue, with tags.

Not forgetting a card for the Groom, of course. 
I know she dropped hints, quite blatant ones, but he never asked me to write one for her
so I hope this groom found something equally romantic for his bride!

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