Thursday, 21 August 2014

Drawing boards are like buses...

I've thought since we moved into this house in March that I'd like one. Then as I got the studio sorted I decided, yes, it'd definitely on my shopping list and started to look around for a second hand one, but never spotted one locally. Then one day I opened the paper & saw a classified ad for an A1 size drawing board less than 10 minutes away from me…. needless to say I was on the phone straight away & got myself there as soon as possible!

Had a lovely chat with a little old fella who's just retired from being an architectural technician… he must be about 80 & had still been doing the odd job, but was losing out to computer drawn plans "with no soul" (his words). So we had a little moan together, I paid him the money then brought this home with me.

Of course I put it straight to work! A couple of layers of wall-lining-paper taped to the board for a bit of 'give' when I write… i don't like a rock hard surface to write on, plus I can jot little notes to myself on the board now :-)

The cardboard tube is to stop me creasing larger sheets of paper over the edge of the drawing board by leaning too close. Even if I'm being very careful, it's almost impossible not to get at least one line in that spoils a piece of work. This way, the paper just curls over the tube with no creases.

The strip of paper at the bottom helps to stop paper sliding off, but also acts as a guard sheet to prevent oils from my hands transferring onto the paper. Non-artists/calligraphers may not realise it, but touching the surface can leave a residue that acts as a barrier to paint and ink. I usually use another sheet of paper as well, and by making sure it's level, that is often sufficient to keep me straight without ruling lines.

All nicely set up then my son phoned… there's a drawing board in an abandoned office on the site he's working at if I want it…. larger, A0 size. Dunno where its going, but I said yes!

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