Friday, 11 July 2014

A mega accordion book- 5 feet long!

What a love story this turned out to be! A lovely lady called Lisa asked about an extra special love letter to include a marriage proposal. We decided on a concertina book with a couple of envelopes for keepsakes such as a show ticket & a pressed flower from milestone dates. Well…. the idea sort of grew… and grew.

We decided on colours early on; natural tones, charcoal & sand… layers of watercolour… more water… more colour… some acrylic...

I asked her to think about special events along the way… 
dates, places, songs etc… little things that tell their story...

She told me their tale of synchronicity & bliss, of cold feet & separation; yet always on each others mind…. until they finally re-united...

Just as their story has many strands, I wove snippets of songs alongside tender memories...

 layering their tale in a book of love… 

Extra pages stitched in, for her to write a personal letter in her own hand...

A proposal hidden at the very end...

books within books, pages to unfold...

quotes about love & words they have spoken…

 space for a ring to hide?


Fiona Dempster said...

Just love the layers of meaning in this Suzie - it is perfect!

Tammie Lee said...

oh my, such a work of love, literally. A precious and unique gift and proposal. Wishing them love and dreams come true, always.

your book is gorgeous magical.

Suzi Smith said...

Thank you ladies! it was brilliant to work on… one of those 'do whatever you like' ones!

Suzi Smith said...

Thank you ladies! it was brilliant to work on… one of those 'do whatever you like' ones!

Ms Scarlet said...

I love this... love the textures.
I love the canvas in the previous post as well.

Caterina Giglio said...

Wow, wow, wow! this is just amazing!!

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